With newspapers closing fast enough to make one wonder what will become of that freedom of the press part of the First Amendment ... along with an almost weekly reminder that even the print news business can't operate for free, or with venture capital owners for that matter. The Welch Daily News (Welch, WVa) started in 1927 has closed. The reasons you can search out and read about. But the question that no one is asking or apparently has not asked, or clearly enough, during the 100 years of publication ... is why a town, state, region ... could never fully report, or grasp for that matter ... that most basic concept of ... if you put all your eggs in one basket (say the coal mining type) with no other vocational training or educational option as an alternative ... how in the by-heck was anyone going to survive when the machines took over, or the mines played out and then closed down. It ain't always about rocket science said the October sky ... or the Russian arithmetic for that grey matter. ~Appalachian Folk: author a. writer
Early prayer breakfast
This will be a quick one, or a touch and go ... "Got to run Hon ... it's a work thing, but I'll see you later for sure, kiss, kiss." File this under who's playing the paddle ball game. Hint: If your girlfriend skips your usual sex in the morning for a job related, early morning prayer breakfast ... then the odds are greater that the "Oh God" being shouted out loud is from an affair with someone other than Jesus ... and more obviously NOT you brother. ~Appalachian Folk: author a. writer
After receiving a taxpayer funded; $700 million dollar special purpose, pandemic related, economic loan handout, from the Trump administration crony era ... the Yellow Truck motor-line has decided that their 2020 underwater drive to stay afloat, has come to a final docking point ... if not a full corner press place where they can put their company's very long history of bad management squarely on the Teamster's union as a last ditch workers contract courtesy of their law firm ... Null & Void. ~Appalachian Folk: author a. writer
Last week our forever curious, fun loving republican congressional, social media lizard people ... decided to expand their Q anon deep state, laptop theory of ... not only was Hunter Biden's in-for-repair carry around computer still in contempt of Congress and withholding information, but the government's Alienware lappie was as well. So they did what they do best ... turned on the cameras and held a hearing about why Americans are not getting everything they need to know about aliens from their dot gov internet link. Guessing now might not be a good time to mention at the next prayer breakfast that God created aliens in the image of mankind during the fifth day project ... way back in time and as written in the Bible Book of Genesis. ~Appalachian Folk: author a. writer