Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Warning from Engadget if you're Still Using Twitter

 Engadget is reporting today that a Twitter bug seems to be restoring previously deleted tweets and doing so in a random fashion. This site (NEWS-216) further recommends that if you're still one of those who has not left entirely and are currently now using the revised, recycled Musk version of Twitter media ... then you might want to re-check your account page and settings, etc ... and do it sooner rather than later. 

Article note: "Twitter bug seems to be randomly restoring deleted tweets - It's just another bizarre day for the social - media giant. By Lawrence Bonk | May 22, 2023 | "Multiple Twitter users are reporting that deleted tweets are reappearing on the site at an alarming rate, with one security expert noting that the social media app restored a whopping 34,000 messages, as reported by ZDNET. The bug also seems to be impacting deleted retweets. 


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